CBD and Cannabidiol Benefits


Cannabidiol is one of the healthy active ingredients of cannabis Sativa, useful for treating many psychotic syndromes and painful inflammatory diseases.

Today, we can see more and more scientists and experts showing how CBD can be used to treat and help people worldwide.

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Benefits of cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD: one of the active ingredients of this healing weed

First, let’s clarify that CBD has no psychoactive effects, so it should not be confused with cannabis consumed for mental evasion. That’s why CBD is legal in the US!

It can quell the psychotic effects of some cannabinoids, such as tremors or rapid heartbeat. Additionally, it acts as an antipsychotic and seems helpful in treating bipolar syndromes or schizophrenia. It has also shown practical effects in cases of OCD and PTSD.

It is helpful in the treatment of inflammatory and painful syndromes.

The chronicization of these diseases, which consume the human being both physically and nervously, requires the use of remedies that often go beyond the permitted dosage because pain generally feeds on drugs and always increases its threshold of manifestation.

CBD as an analgesic has shown excellent analgesic results, reduces inflammation and acts on receptors with neurological benefits.

It is an anticonvulsant: studies on it are still in their infancy, but the use of CBD in particular forms of epilepsy has shown beneficial effects, with the reduction of seizures.

It is also an excellent supplement to quell the side effects of chemotherapy treatments, nausea, and vomiting.

CBD-rich hemp oil is an excellent remedy for treating acne. Cannabidiol can work on the sebaceous glands, inhibits the synthesis of lipids on the skin, and has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, as it prevents the proliferation of fat cells.

On the market, you can find many products made from hemp

We find CBD oil and ointments whose active ingredient is extracted from the hemp flower purified by chemical additives. CBD is legal throughout most of Europe, although it can often be challenging to get a prescription to present at the pharmacy.

In the US, some chain stores are emerging that market cannabidiol-based products, which can be taken to improve the quality of life of those who have to deal with chronic diseases, even disabling, every day.

Aggressive and antisocial behavior: we will treat them with CBD in the future

CBD could replace psychiatric drugs and antidepressants to treat nervous states that lead to aggression and antisocial behavior.

The suggestion comes from a study conducted at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A group of researchers tested the administration of cannabidiol on laboratory mice in conditions of isolation, therefore tending to develop the so-called “territorial aggression”.

They found that, in specific concentrations, CBD is much better at alleviating aggressive behaviors and with fewer contraindications than the anxiolytic, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs traditionally used to treat similar conditions.

According to Brazilian scholars, the anti-aggressive effects induced by CBD are connected to the activation of the 5-HT1A receptor (i.e., the serotonin receptor, the neurotransmitter that regulates the production of the so-called “happiness hormone”) and CB1, one of the major receptors of the human endocannabinoid system.

The study opens up a new perspective on treating mental disorders and pathologies that lead to aggressive and antisocial behaviors. While anxiolytic, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs cause a series of side effects, including a heavy alteration of the patient’s state of consciousness, CBD does not affect the brain faculties of those who take it.

Likewise, cannabidiol avoids annoying physical ailments such as drowsiness or a sense of fatigue. The Brazilian researchers found that no guinea pig subjected to the experiment showed difficulty in movement or lack of physical activity.

Postpartum depression: what if we try to treat it with CBD?

Childbirth is a challenging moment in a woman’s life: the sensations that alternate are physical, mental and emotional. A turning point that can give rise to difficulties in perceiving one’s own body, identity, or living with a life situation utterly different from the one known until then.

For these reasons, many new mothers experience disorders ranging from the so-called “baby blues” to the more complex and rare postpartum depression (DPP).

Postpartum depression affects a lower, but still significant, percentage of new mothers (between 7 and 12%) and can also affect the partner or family members of the pregnant woman.

It is a disorder that generally emerges between the sixth and twelfth week after birth: for no apparent reason, the new mother can feel extremely sad, irritable, prone to tears and inadequate compared to the commitment represented by caring for a new one.

A recurring feeling among women suffering from postpartum depression is a kind of shame mixed with guilt that leads to difficulty in attachment and interaction with the child.

To avoid falling into such a vicious circle, many new mothers try more natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms of postpartum depression. In this context, the use of CBD is gaining momentum.

Numerous studies have highlighted the positive effects of cannabidiol. CBD acts directly on the endocannabinoid system and thus influences the levels of serotonin, one of the primary neurotransmitters responsible for mood in humans, often linked to the ailments accused by women suffering from postpartum depression.

According to some studies, CBD seems to have an inhibitory effect on the 5-HT1A receptor (serotonin, in fact), slowing down its signals and consequently also some of the functions regulated by this neurotransmitter: perception of appetite, anxiety, pain sensation, sense of nausea are then moderated by the CBD-serotonin interaction and become more tolerable for the body.


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