7 Permaculture Podcasts You Should Check Out

When it comes to permaculture, there’s so much to learn. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and not know even where to start. That’s where...

Regenerative Design for Ground and Spring Water Recharge

Perceived water crises are occurring world wide as short hydrological cycles are collapsing in ecosystems in all regions of the planet. The role of...

Change… and Hope – The Permaculture Research Institute

Sometimes change asks more of us than we have to give, and we break. Sometimes (hopefully more often than not, but it’s not a given)...

How to Compost Efficiently At Home?

Composting at home is a good way to recycle daily wastes into valuable fertilizer, whilst minimizing environmental impact.  However, composting can be a headache and...

What will the Full Moon Reveal for You?

The lunar cycle offers us a template for reconnecting to Nature and living in more balanced, regenerative ways. And journaling with specific prompts for...

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